- 公開日:

訃報メールを英語で書く際には、故人を敬うための礼儀正しさと感情の表現が重要です。まず、件名は明確かつ尊重を込めた表現を用い、例えば「In Loving Memory of [故人の名前]」といった形式が適切です。メールの本文では、故人の名前を正確に記載し、その人の人生や功績に簡潔に触れることが望ましいです。亡くなった日付と場所を明記し、遺族の名前も敬意を持って記載します。
- 文化的感受性: 異なる文化では、死に対する見方が異なる可能性があるため、尊重と共感を示す言葉を選びます。
- 故人への敬意: 故人についての言及は、尊敬と感謝の念を込めて行います。
- 情報の伝達の仕方: 死の報せはデリケートな情報なので、慎重かつ明確に伝えます。
Subject: Sad News About [故人の名前] Dear [友人の名前], I hope this message finds you well. It is with a heavy heart that I write to inform you of the passing of [故人の名前]. As someone who shared many memories with us, I thought it was important that you hear this news from me. [故人の名前] left us on [死亡日], after [病気や事故などの簡潔な説明、もしくは特に理由を述べない場合は省略可]. We are all deeply saddened by this loss, as [故人の名前] was not only a dear friend but also a remarkable individual who brought joy and inspiration to many. I fondly recall the time when [故人との思い出の簡潔な記述]. These memories will always hold a special place in my heart, as I am sure they will in yours. In these difficult times, let us cherish the moments we shared and keep [故人の名前]'s spirit alive in our memories. If you wish to share any thoughts or memories, please feel free to reach out. Take care and stay strong. Sincerely, [あなたの名前]
- 文化的多様性への配慮: 社員が異なる文化背景を持っているため、敬意と共感を示す普遍的な言葉遣いを選びます。
- 故人への敬意: 故人の貢献と彼らの人格に敬意を表します。
- 遺族への配慮: 遺族のプライバシーを尊重し、哀悼の意を示します。
- 情報の明確性と簡潔さ: 訃報は簡潔かつ明確に伝え、必要な詳細を提供します。
Subject: Passing of Our Colleague [故人の名前] Dear Team, It is with great sadness that I must inform you of the passing of our esteemed colleague, [故人の名前], who left us on [死亡日]. [故人の名前] has been a valued member of our [部署/チーム名] for [勤務年数], and their loss is deeply felt by all of us. [故人の名前] contributed immensely to our organization with their [特技、業績などの簡潔な記述]. Beyond their professional achievements, [故人の名前] was known for [人格や性格の特徴]. They will be remembered not only for their professional contributions but also for their personal warmth and camaraderie. We extend our heartfelt condolences to [故人の名前]'s family during this difficult time. We respect their privacy and offer our support in any way we can. In remembrance of [故人の名前], we will be organizing a [追悼の集会、献花などのイベントの詳細] to celebrate their life and contributions. Further details will be shared in due course. We understand that this news can be upsetting, and we encourage anyone who needs support to reach out to [社内の相談窓口やサポートリソース]. Thank you for keeping [故人の名前] and their family in your thoughts during this time. Sincerely, [あなたの名前] [役職]
- ビジネス関係への尊重: 故人とのビジネス上の関係とその貢献を尊重し、敬意を表します。
- 哀悼の意の表明: 故人への敬意と哀悼の意を適切に伝えます。
- 適切なトーンと言葉遣い: ビジネスコミュニケーションにふさわしい、尊敬と共感を示すトーンを保ちます。
- 関係継続への配慮: 故人との関係がビジネスに与えた影響を認めつつ、今後の関係継続についても配慮します。
Subject: Passing of [故人の名前], A Valued Client and Friend Dear [クライアントの名前], I hope this message finds you well. It is with a deep sense of loss that I write to inform you of the passing of [故人の名前], who has been a valued client and a respected member of our business community for many years. [故人の名前] passed away on [死亡日], leaving behind a legacy of professional excellence and strong relationships. We at [あなたの企業名] have had the privilege of working closely with [故人の名前] for [関係年数], and their insights and contributions have been invaluable to us. [故人の名前] will be remembered for their [ビジネスにおける貢献や特徴の簡潔な記述]. Their passion for [業界/分野] and commitment to excellence were truly inspiring. As we mourn this loss, we extend our heartfelt condolences to [故人の名前]'s family, friends, and colleagues. We share in this grief and are grateful for the time we had with [故人の名前]. We understand that this news may impact our ongoing projects and collaborations. Please rest assured that our team is committed to ensuring a smooth transition and continuity in our services. We will reach out shortly to discuss any necessary arrangements. In remembrance of [故人の名前], we are planning to [追悼イベントや寄付などの詳細]. We welcome your participation as we celebrate their life and contributions. Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. Please feel free to reach out to us with any concerns or needs. Sincerely, [あなたの名前] [役職] [あなたの企業名]
- 故人への敬意と感謝: 故人が団体に与えた貢献とその影響を尊重し、感謝の意を表します。
- 共感とサポートの提供: コミュニティの他のメンバーに対して、共感を示し、必要なサポートを提供することが大切です。
- 故人の思い出の共有: 故人の業績や人柄を称えるエピソードを共有し、その記憶を大切にします。
- コミュニティの絆の強調: 非営利団体のボランティアとしてのコミュニティの重要性を強調し、一致団結するメッセージを伝えます。
Subject: In Loving Memory of Our Volunteer, [故人の名前] Dear [団体名] Community, It is with profound sadness that I share the news of the passing of our beloved volunteer, [故人の名前]. [故人の名前] passed away on [死亡日], leaving behind a legacy of selfless service and enduring kindness. [故人の名前] joined our organization [加入年数] years ago and has since been an integral part of our community. Their dedication to [特定の活動や貢献] has made a significant impact on our mission. We will always remember [故人の名前] for their [特徴や性格の記述], and the joy they brought to everyone they interacted with. This loss is not just ours but shared by the many lives [故人の名前] touched. We extend our deepest sympathies to [故人の名前]'s family and friends, and we stand together in mourning and honor of their memory. To celebrate [故人の名前]'s life and contributions, we are planning a [追悼会や記念イベントの詳細]. We invite all of you to join us in remembering and honoring a life well-lived and a person dearly missed. In these moments of grief, let us find comfort in each other and in the difference [故人の名前] made in our world. If you need support or wish to share your memories of [故人の名前], please do not hesitate to reach out. [故人の名前]’s spirit of generosity and compassion will forever be a part of our community. Let us carry on their legacy as we continue our work with renewed dedication and unity. With heartfelt condolences, [あなたの名前] [役職] [団体名]
- 故人の生涯と業績の適切な紹介: 故人の生涯、業績、およびコミュニティへの貢献を尊重し、詳細に紹介します。
- 感情的な共感と敬意: 読者に対して故人への敬意と共感を示し、彼らの記憶を尊重することが大切です。
- 読者の参加と共有の奨励: 追悼のメッセージや故人との思い出を共有するためのプラットフォームを提供します。
- 適切なトーンとバランス: 訃報は慎重かつ敬意を持って伝える必要があり、ニュースレターの他の内容とのバランスも考慮することが大切です。
[ニュースレターのタイトル] In Memoriam: [故人の名前] (生年 - 死亡年) It is with profound respect and deep sadness that we dedicate this section of our newsletter to the memory of [故人の名前], who passed away on [死亡日]. [故人の名前] was not only a [職業/役割] but also a cherished member of our community. Born in [生年] in [出身地], [故人の名前] spent their life [生涯の業績や活動の簡潔な説明]. They were known for their [特徴や性格の特徴] and their unwavering commitment to [関連する分野や原因]. Among their many achievements, [故人の具体的な業績や貢献] stand out as testaments to their dedication and skill. [故人の名前]’s legacy extends beyond their professional accomplishments. They were a source of inspiration and kindness, touching the lives of many with their generosity and warmth. Those who knew [故人の名前] will remember their [思い出やエピソード] fondly. We invite our readers to join us in celebrating the remarkable life of [故人の名前]. If you have memories or messages of condolence that you would like to share, please send them to [連絡先や追悼のページのリンク]. Your tributes will be a part of a special section we are preparing in honor of [故人の名前]. As we bid farewell to [故人の名前], let us hold their memory close and continue to be inspired by their life’s work and the positive impact they made on our world. With heartfelt sympathy, [あなたの名前] Editor-in-Chief