- 公開日:

- 挨拶: まずはサンタクロースへのフレンドリーな挨拶から始めます。例えば、「Dear Santa,」や「Hello Santa,」などの言葉を使います。
- 自己紹介: 名前や年齢、場合によっては住んでいる場所を簡単に紹介します。
- 一年間の行いについて: 過去一年間で良い行いをしたこと、例えば友達を助けたり、家の手伝いをしたりしたことについて書きます。
- クリスマスの願いリスト: クリスマスに受け取りたいプレゼントのリストを書きます。これは具体的なおもちゃやゲーム、本などのリクエストを含めることができます。
- サンタへの質問やメッセージ: サンタクロースやトナカイ、北極での生活についての質問をしたり、サンタへの感謝の気持ちを表したりすることができます。
- 締めくくり: 「Merry Christmas, Santa!」や「Thank you, Santa!」などのフレーズで手紙を締めくくります。
- 署名: 最後に、自分の名前を書いて手紙を終えます。
Dear Santa, I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to write to you to say thank you for the wonderful Christmas presents you brought me last year. I still remember waking up on Christmas morning and finding the gifts under the tree. It was one of the best mornings ever! The [specific toy or gift] you gave me has been my favorite. I play with it all the time and it makes me very happy. Thank you for knowing exactly what I wanted. I also want to thank you for bringing joy to my family. We had such a great time together, and it was extra special because of the gifts you left for us. Thank you, Santa, for everything you do. You make Christmas so magical and I'm already excited for this year's Christmas. With lots of love, [Child's Name]
Dear Santa, I hope you are doing well at the North Pole. I am writing this letter to tell you about all the good things I did this year. I've been trying really hard to be good and I want to share it with you. This year at school, I worked very hard and my grades got better. I am proud of myself for studying more and helping my classmates when they needed it. It felt good to see everyone doing well because we all worked together. At home, I have been helping Mom and Dad more. I learned to do some new chores like setting the table and helping with the dishes. I also helped my little brother with his homework. It makes me happy to see my family smiling because of the little things I can do to help. I also tried to be a better friend this year. I shared my toys and played fair games with my friends. We had a lot of fun and I made some new friends too. I just wanted to let you know that I've been trying my best this year. I am excited for Christmas and hope you think I've been good enough for a special gift. Thank you, Santa, for everything you do. Merry Christmas! Love, [Child's Name]
Dear Santa, Merry Christmas! I hope you and the reindeer are doing well. I'm writing to you because I have some special wishes for this Christmas. This year, I have been dreaming about [specific toy or gift]. I saw it [in a store, on TV, etc.] and it looks so amazing. I think I would have so much fun playing with it. I also have a wish for my family. I hope we can spend a lot of time together during the holidays, maybe watching movies or playing games. It would be great if we could have a special family dinner on Christmas Eve. For my friends, I wish that they all get their favorite gifts too. We talked about what we all wished for and I hope everyone gets something they love. Santa, I've been trying to be good this year and I hope you can make these wishes come true. I'll leave some cookies and milk for you on Christmas Eve! Thank you and have a safe trip on Christmas night! Love, [Child's Name]
Dear Santa, Merry Christmas! I hope you are doing well. My name is [Child's Name] and I have some questions about you and the North Pole that I've been really curious about. 1. What is your favorite part about Christmas? 2. How do you and the elves make so many toys for all the children? 3. What do you like to do when you are not delivering presents? 4. How do the reindeer fly? 5. What is your favorite cookie? I always think about these things when Christmas comes. My family and I love Christmas and we always get excited thinking about your visit. Thank you, Santa, for all the joy you bring to us every year. I can't wait for Christmas and to find out your answers. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas! Love, [Child's Name]
Dear Santa, Merry Christmas! My name is [Child's Name] and I wanted to write you a special letter this year. I know you have a very hard job, bringing presents to children all over the world and I wanted to say thank you. I hope you are taking good care of yourself. It must be really cold in the North Pole and you must be very busy preparing for Christmas. Please make sure to stay warm and rest well. I also hope that you and all the reindeer are happy and healthy. It's important to have fun even when you are working hard. Maybe you can play some games with the elves when you have a little break. Thank you for everything you do, Santa. You make so many children happy, including me. We all love you very much and wish you a very Merry Christmas. Take care and see you on Christmas Eve! Love, [Child's Name]