- 公開日:

- フレンドリーな挨拶: 「Dear [子どもの名前],」など、子どもを直接呼びかける言葉で始まります。
- 個人的な触れ込み: 子どもの一年間の行いや、特別な成果、好きなもの、最近の出来事など、個人に合わせた触れ込みを入れます。
- クリスマスの精神: クリスマスの重要なメッセージ、例えば家族との時間の大切さ、他人への思いやり、感謝の気持ちなどを伝えます。
- サンタの生活について: 北極でのサンタの活動、エルフやトナカイとのエピソードなど、子どもたちの想像力を刺激する内容を含めます。
- 励ましの言葉: 子どもたちを励ますメッセージ、例えば新しい年に向けての励ましや、夢を追い続けることの重要性を伝えます。
- 次回のクリスマスへの期待: 来年のクリスマスにまた会えることを楽しみにしているといったメッセージを添えます。
- 終わりの挨拶: 「Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!」などの温かい挨拶で締めくくります。
- 署名: 「From, Santa Claus」や「With love, Santa」など、サンタクロースからの署名を入れます。
Dear [Child's Name], Merry Christmas! It's me, Santa Claus, writing from the North Pole. I've been keeping an eye on you this year and I must say, I'm very impressed with all the good things you've done. Firstly, I want to commend you for [specific good action or behavior], that was really wonderful to see. It shows your kindness and how much you care about others. I also noticed how well you did in school, especially in [specific subject or activity]. Keep up the great work! I heard about how you helped [parent, sibling, friend, etc.] with [specific task or situation]. That was very responsible and thoughtful of you. It's these kinds of actions that make the world a better place. Remember, the best gifts are not always the ones you can unwrap, but the ones you give from the heart, like your kindness and hard work. I'm looking forward to visiting your house on Christmas Eve. Keep being the wonderful person you are, and you'll always be on my nice list! Merry Christmas and lots of love from the North Pole, Santa Claus
Dear [Child's Name], Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas! It's Santa Claus here, writing to you from the snowy North Pole. I've received your Christmas wish list and I'm excited to tell you that I'm working on making your wishes come true. I was so pleased to see that you've asked for [specific item or experience from their wish list]. I think you're going to be very happy with what I'm preparing for you. I've got some special elves working on it as we speak! Not only that, but I'm also planning a little extra surprise for you. I can't tell you what it is just yet - it wouldn't be a surprise if I did! But I think you're going to love it. Remember, the magic of Christmas is all about believing. So keep up the good spirit, continue to be kind and helpful, and you'll see how wonderful Christmas can be. I'm looking forward to visiting your house on Christmas Eve. Be sure to be fast asleep when I arrive! Merry Christmas and see you soon, Santa Claus
Dear [Child's Name], Merry Christmas from the North Pole! It's Santa Claus here, and I thought you might like to know a little bit about what life is like up here where it's snowy and magical. First of all, the North Pole is a very busy place, especially as Christmas gets closer. The elves and I are hard at work in the toy workshop. You should see the elves, they are so quick and clever with their toy-making! As for the reindeer, they are doing wonderfully. Rudolph's nose is as bright as ever, and he sends his warm greetings. The reindeer spend a lot of time practicing their flying to make sure they're ready for the big night. They love racing each other across the Northern skies! We have a lot of fun up here too. Sometimes, after a long day of work, we'll have a hot cocoa and cookie break. The elves love singing Christmas carols and, on special evenings, we all gather around to tell stories or play games. I hope this gives you a little glimpse into our North Pole life. It's a magical place and it's where all the Christmas spirit begins. I'm looking forward to visiting your home on Christmas Eve. Remember to leave out some cookies for me and some carrots for the reindeer! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas, Santa Claus
Dear [Child's Name], Merry Christmas from the North Pole! It's Santa Claus, and I'm writing to you with a heart full of joy and encouragement for the coming year. I heard that you have some wonderful goals and dreams for the next year. That's fantastic! It's always good to have dreams to work towards. Whether it's doing well in school, learning a new skill, or helping around the house more, I believe in you and your ability to achieve great things. Remember, every big dream starts with small steps. Don't be afraid to take those steps, even if they seem challenging. Every effort you make brings you closer to your goal. And remember, it's okay to ask for help when you need it. Your family, friends, and I, Santa, are all cheering for you! I'm so proud of the person you are becoming and can't wait to see all the wonderful things you'll do next year. Keep being your amazing self, and don't forget to spread kindness and cheer wherever you go. I'll be keeping an eye on all the good work you're doing and looking forward to seeing how you grow and shine in the new year. You have so much potential, and I know you're going to do great! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! With love and support, Santa Claus
Dear [Child's Name], Merry Christmas from the North Pole! It's your friend, Santa Claus. I've been busy preparing for Christmas, but I wanted to take a moment to write you a special letter about something very important – showing gratitude to your family. Your family loves and supports you in so many ways. From cooking meals to helping with homework, from playing games to giving hugs when you need them, these are all acts of love that make a family strong. This Christmas, I encourage you to show your appreciation for all the things they do. You can start with something simple like saying 'thank you' for a meal, helping out with chores without being asked, or even making a handmade card to express your love and gratitude. Small acts of kindness make a big difference! Remember, the love and care you show to your family is one of the most wonderful gifts you can give. It's not just about presents under the tree; it's about the love you share every day. I am proud of you for all the kindness you show, and I know your family is too. Keep spreading joy and love, not just at Christmas but all year round. Merry Christmas and lots of love to you and your family, Santa Claus